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Continue ReadingAfter a day packed with lectures, skills labs, and roundtables with other collegiate EMS agencies, our members had some time to explore the city of Pittsburgh last night! We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to attend @ncemsf 2019 and can’t wait for next year’s conference!…Here’s a list of some of our favorite lectures, skills labs, and roundtables!…Lectures: “The Tree of Life Tragedy – What Saved Lives”, “Funny, You Don’t Look Deaf”, “Culture Triage: How’s Your Agency Doing?”, “Uberlamps and Ambulyfts: Exploring Ridesharing Alternatives to Ambulance Transportation”, “Recruitment and Retention in EMS”, “Body Language for Healthcare Providers”…Skills Labs: “Tour of Pittsburgh River Rescue”, “Prehospital Hocus Pocus – Ultrasound for the Prehospital Provider”, “Combat Zone Simulation: Mini-Bushmaster”…Roundtables: Advertising, Administrative Challenges, Turning Difficult Dialogues into Exquisite Exchanges… #ems #emttraining #education #publichealth #healthcare #emteducation #prehospitalprovider #emergencymedicaltechnician #emtb #nremt #bostoncollege #bostoncollegeems #pittsburgh #ncemsf #ncemsf2019